Natural Stress Relief Tips Activities that Acts as Relievers
Some people pop pills when stressed. But you need not to. There are natural stress relief tips you can practice. A relaxing massage is one of my recommended natural stress relief activities you can indulge in. It is listed in my favorite "relievers". Knowing what natural relievers are available is important because artificial means such as relaxant drugs have side effects.
If you frequently experience being stressed out, it can affect your health especially your immune system. You may get sick. Worse, it's not only the common cold that you might get infected with. Being overstressed can encourage cancer to develop inside your body. Studies have found a link between stress and cancer.
Hence, it is a good idea that you know the importance of relief from stressors to prevent cancer growth. So, let me share with you my favorite tips on natural stress relief.
What are fun tips or activities for natural relief from stressors?
Get a Massage
A massages is one of my favorite relievers. It can either be foot, scalp or full body massage. It is one of the tips that provides natural relief to your body and mind. If you are really stressed out, have a full body massage. Even a quick, 5-minute massage of your palms also gives relief.
Listen to Music
Listening to music, especially to your favorites, is surely one of my recommended natural stress relief tips. I noticed from personal experience that being stressed and music can't be together in one room.
When I'm anxious or depressed about a person, an event or anything, I turn to music as one of my "relievers". As I listen to it, I get lost in the rhythm and the lyrics and the depressing thoughts leave my mind. By the way, I have discovered how relaxing and soothing meditation music is. Click here if you want to download and hear how perfect it is for deep relaxation.
Take a Deep Breath
This is one of the natural and quick tips on how to overcome being stressed. With each deep breath you take, your body gets a well-deserved relief. You will instantly feel relaxed. Your brain also benefits as more oxygen enters it. You are able to think clearer. Taking a deep breath is especially helpful when you are angry. Deep breathing is one of the recommended tension and anger relievers by health experts.
Read a Book
Reading a good book is one of my proven stress relief tips. Reading will take your mind off from whatever it is that is bothering you. I have books that act as my "relievers". I haven't finished reading yet because I read them only when I am stressed. Some favorites are Honeymoon With My Brother and Live What You Love.
I'm not a religious person but this is one of the tips I am eager to share. I found praying provides me natural relief from any burden I am feeling. When I pray, I tend to pour out everything that is troubling me and it feels like I'm giving all my concerns to the Supreme Being I am praying to. I feel so much better and lighter after I pray.
Laugh and Laugh Some More
How to overcome being stressed? My favorite activities which act as my "relievers" from stressful situations are watching a funny movie or reading a funny book.
Laughter can really be the best medicine for and prevention of stress overload. Here's one of my tips: If you have a friend who can make you laugh, see or call him or her whenever you're feeling anxious or worried. In any situation, it's important to keep your sense of humor.
These tips and activities on natural stress relief are simple and easy to do. They are also healthy tips that can help build up your immune system and for prevention of diseases such as cancer. Most importantly, they encourage wellness of your body and mind.
Do you know . . .
Red Reishi mushrooms are natural immune system boosters? They protect your cells from stressors.
Yoga, meditation and aromatherapy are also some of the other natural relievers for stressful situations. Just choose the stress relief tips you like and can do consistently.