by Mike Kastl
(Edmond, Oklahoma)
I was cured of prostate cancer last year (2009) with no side effects and no collateral damage.
I was the first prostate cancer patient beamed (radiation) with protons at the ProCure Proton Therapy Center in Oklahoma City(OKC), OK. This center works in conjunction with the Integris Cancer Center.
I had 44 treatments and did not miss one day of work. My PSA score fell from 4.11 to 0.7 and has remained at that level. My Gleason score had been 3+3=6. Two fellow workers also were treated with protons at ProCure in OKC shortly after the completion of my treatments. They also were cured of their prostate cancer with no side effects and their PSA scores remain almost zero.
This is an amazing, state-of-the-art, cutting-edge treatment process that is not given the credit due by the medical field. The treatment is expensive, but the fact that you do not have to worry about the higher risk of incontinence, impotence, infections, etc. is a "no brainer".
I was very fortunate in that my insurance company was very cooperative in working with ProCure to establish in-network treatment costs. I ask you, "What is the value of your quality of life after treatment?" If you value your quality of life, you should definitely check out Proton Therapy as your choice to cure you of your prostate cancer.
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